The future is now!
The digitalization is the key for manufacturing enterprises development: for making more efficient the production processes, for becoming more competitive, for optimizing costs and for speeding up the time-to-market.
Dassault Systemes, together with its partners Abex, Dofware and Exemplar, will talk about how your company can take part to this digital revolution.
Please, on June 20th attend to our Turin session, which will take place in the wonderful set of Terrazza Martini Bacardi a Pessione (Torino) – from 14.00 to 17.30; a networking aperitif will follow.
The topics will be:
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution: the Industry 4.0 and its technological and processing innovations;
- Poppy Humanoid, the robot which has been designed by exploiting the 3DEXPERIENCE platform: an engaging journey through mechatronic design, simulation and 3D printing;
- The tax benefits of “Piano Nazionale Industria 4.0”: how to get access to them
Don’t miss the opportunity. Subscribe now!
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