DOFWARE develops test bench systems for functional validations and for the validation of electronic/mechatronic system components. We adopt National Instruments® solutions.
Our personnel has a deepen and robust experience in the development of customized solutions for the automotive and the white good fields. Apart from standard test bench facilities, we provided test bench solutions which integrate complex mathematical models and which are linked to tools enabling requirements tracking and automated report generation.
In this context, Test Automation is a common approach devoted to the product Functional Tests. These latters typically imply a huge number of runs, since the product validation against functional requirements has to be performed at every single design release. The aim is to check that no regression grows up after each SW release.
Briefly, Test Automation provides:
- the testing time reduction and the greater effectiveness in the result analysis;
- a greater accuracy, since human errors are avoided;
- a lighter approach, since automation allows test activities to be programmed and to be handled in background;
- a quick Sanity Check test of the framework just after the release.