STIMULUS is the solution that DOFWARE proposes for the complete validation of embedded systems based on functional requirements. The Requirements-in-the-Loop simulation ranges from pre-validating functional requirements during the specification phase to automatically generating test vectors and test observers to automate system functional testing.
STIMULUS in the Design Phase:
Most of the defects are concentrated in the requirements. Typically, they are detected very late, generating costly maintenance issues. In the design phase, STIMULUS simulates functional requirements and detects errors or conflicts immediately, thus enabling to produce correct, complete and consistent specifications. Development teams can spend less time redefining requirements and rewriting and re-debugging code, thus reducing the number of iterations to achieve high-quality results.
Model Executable System Specifications
STIMULUS simulates the specifications of the entire system using a modeling language that allows to combine formalized textual requirements, state machines and block diagrams in a fully integrated simulation environment.
STIMULUS generates numerous execution traces that meet system specifications. It provides powerful debugging functions to analyze requirements simulation results: automatic detection and diagnosis of conflicting and missing requirements, requirements coverage, active requirements highlighting, signals monitoring, etc.
STIMULUS in the Validation Phase:
Manual creation of test cases that cover every requirement involves a lot of effort with a high risk of failing to detect all bugs and inconsistencies. STIMULUS allows test teams to generate and run test campaigns automatically and to verify that the embedded code conforms to specifications, saving time and resources.
Test the System by Verifying the Requirements
STIMULUS can easily import the tested software as an FMI component or by embedding the user’s C code. Upon integration, it is also possible to import a CSV log file to perform a post-analysis of the real system.
Once the use cases have been defined to test the system, STIMULUS will automatically generate numerous test vectors for each use case in order to optimize the functional coverage of the test campaign.