DOFWARE was a sponsor of the 15th ROOMVENT2020 conference, one of the main international events in the field of indoor ventilation and air distribution, held for the first time in 1987 in Stockholm.

The 2020 edition (held in February 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic) was organized by the Energy Department of the Polytechnic of Turin together with ATI Piemonte and had as its focus: “Energy Efficient Ventilation for Healthy Future Buildings“.

As part of Roomvent2020, DOFWARE has carried out some works on issues related to the design and management of indoor environments through physical simulation and technologies such as IoT, virtual sensors, augmented reality.

In particular, the studies of the DOFWARE team, reported on three papers published at the conference, focused on:

  1. A hybrid approach (real and virtual sensors) for monitoring the air quality of indoor environments;
  2. A method based on machine learning and reduced-order CFD models (POD) for performing fast and undemanding computational fluid dynamic simulations for the design and the control of HVAC systems in an indoor environment;
  3. The creation of a platform for real-time visualization of the fluid dynamic fields (speed, temperature, pollutants) of an indoor environment to make them understandable and usable by any professional involved in the design and the management of the building.

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