Bouncing Ball Physics, the DOFWARE app to take a Digital Twin always with you

We are pleased to announce that the app developed by the DOFWARE team, Bouncing Ball Physics, is now available on the Google Play Store.

Our app reproduces the physics governing the behavior of a bouncing ball: after defining the properties of the ball and the ground, and after establishing the starting conditions of the ball, the user can follow its dynamic behavior.

The ball is a virtual #model of a real object, defined and implemented by means of the physical simulation tool #Dymola, based on #Modelica language.

The same technology allows to simulate any kind of complex systems with quick and reliable results, exploitable on any platform: cloud, mobile, edge computing, embedded systems, depending on the complexity of the models.

Click HERE for more information
#digitaltwin #app #bouncingball #modelica #physics #virtualmodel

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