One PhD position has been opened in the fields of COMPUTER SCIENCE, MACHINE LEARNING and PHYSICAL-NUMERICAL MODELING. The project is coordinated in cooperation between Università di Torino (UNITO) – Computer Science Department and DOFWARE.

The project title is:

“Implementation of Digital Twins focused on the energy aspects related to indoor environment, widening from the indoor air quality (IAQ) to the adoption of alternative energy, by means of machine learning techniques and physical-numerical modeling”.

The PhD Coordinator is Prof. Marco Grangetto, and the Scientific Supervisor is Prof. Rosa Meo.

For detailed information, please have a look at:

When applying to the position, a draft of the research project must be submitted too.

For any further information concerning examinations, please check the proposed research sheet or contact the supervisor Prof. Rosa Meo

The deadline for applications is 2021, October 28th 23:59.


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