We are proud to announce that DOFWARE will take part to the 33rd Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics International Conference (#ParCFD) […]
DOFWARE is pleased to invite you to the webinar: “Microclimate and Energy Consumption Optimization. New Solutions for the Improvement of […]
DOFWARE was a sponsor of the 15th ROOMVENT2020 conference, one of the main international events in the field of indoor […]
The future is now! The digitalization is the key for manufacturing enterprises development: for making more efficient the production processes, […]
La OpenFOAM® Foundation ha annunciato il rilascio della versione 4.1 di OpenFOAM, strumento CFD open source. Sono state introdotte nuove […]
DOFWARE provides training courses about the open-source CFD tool OpenFOAM®. Two sessions are provided, the first one devoted to newbies, […]
In questa nuova versione di OpenFOAM® sono state introdotte le seguenti novità: Turbulence Modelling: wallShearStress, funziona con qualsiasi modello di […]